Sunday, April 19, 2015

Essay Workshop and Competition

Hello Fellas for wherever you are! We EECC proudly announce that we will have two events which are

1) Essay Workshop
2) Essay Competition

Essay Workshop is for public, means that the participants could be everyone whether you are a student of junior/senior high school or university. In this event, you will get to know and learn directly from our brilliant speaker how to write an essay correctly and also interesting , so you can't miss this event because you will get the chance to practice writing the essay!
Essay Workshop will be held on :
          Day, date = Sunday, May 24th 2015
          Time        = 08.00 am- 11.30 am
          Place       = FEB (Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis) UNDIP Tembalang, PKM building 2nd floor.

Essay Competition is ONLY for Senior High School Students. If you join this Essay Competition, then you also join Essay Workshop. We really recommend this competition for you guys because it's time to prove your writing skills and being in competition.
            We have 3 topics, and you just choose ONE :
1 ) How to keep being an Indonesian in the middle of different cultures when you study abroad
2) How important the role of English in your process of learning
3) The ability of Indonesian Youth to compete in global scale

             You just choose ONE topic for your essay.

The essay must be :
1. consists of minimum 750 words
2. 1,5 space
3. the font type is Times New Roman and The font size is 12
4. the paper size is A4
5. color of font is black

The essay must be collected maximum on May, 26th 2015 by sending the essay to our email :

We will announce the 3 winners on Saturday, May 30th 2015

We will choose 3 winners! The awards will be
1st winner = certificate + 300K
2nd winner= certificate + 200 K
3rd winner = certificate + 150 K


There are 2 OPTIONS :

1) Register yourself at FEB (Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis) UNDIP Tembalang                                   building A, 2nd floor
2) Register yourself by sending Message with format :
   - Name/which senior high school/workshop&competition/phone number (for essay competition)
ex : Nana Palokoto/ SMAN 3 Semarang/workshop&competition/0894737xxxx

   - Name/which institute/workshop/phone number (for essay workshop)
ex: Nana Palokoto/ UNDIP/workshop/08946364xxx

Send the messages to CP by SMS or LINE


Tickets price :
- Workshop (for public)= 25,000
- Workshop+competition (only for Senior High School) = 35,000

There are 2 OPTIONS:
1) pay by meeting us at FEB (Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis) UNDIP Tembalang building A, 2nd floor

2) transfer to BNI 0346333345 a.n Shabrina Khansa
After you did the payment please make sure you confirm us by sending confirmation through SMS/LINE.

CP : Afifah 085693245535/ Nana 085726716126
Line : afifahcm

So what are you waiting for? Go Register Yourself and join us in this English Festival!


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