EECC's Ranger 2017

Welcome to our official blog #We Are Awesome

English Discussion

This is one of the Research and Development's events.On 30th of September we are holding an English Discussion at Joglo Belly. The topic of this ED is so interesting. We're doing review on short movies 🎬

Basic Training Development

This is one of the Human Resources and Development's events. On 9th of September we held a Basic Training Development 2 at Rumah Albi. Our first speaker's giving us tips and tricks about how to have a high self-confidence.


This is one of the Public Relationship's events. On 8th of October we're holding E-Talks 2 "FUN TEACHING and CHARITY" at Ar-Rodiyah Orphanage. We teach and share our knowledge for the kids in here. We discuss about what they want to be when they're older and descriptive text about their idol. We hope what we learn today will be useful for the kids' future.

Economic Carnival

Our activity in other organization's event

Saturday, June 10, 2017

E talks

Hello guys, today i will tell you one of our event from public relation, that`s called E talks. The purpose of this event to improve EECC members.

EECC invites Amalia Intan Pratiwi as a speaker, from Accounting 2014 in this E-talks. She’s not only ordinary women, but a special women.She little bit tells us lot of about her experience, her motivation, her bittersweet life when the process goes. It makes rangers stronger to face this life.

Preparing for class

The atmosphere in class

Ms, Amalia Expose material

some members give up with her work wkwk...

Take a photo after class

at the end of class, Ms. Amal give us Some notes from her, that message very usefull for us :

- Don’t just get the good IPK, but we need many experience, skills and so on.
- Be brave to take action. We don’t know before we try.
- Be confidence to face everythings, also your problem.
- Dont be afraid to try something new ( in positive ways )


E Gath 2017

So guys, I’m back with the latest news about EECC's event.! 

We were having English Gathering on March 24th, 2017 in the Student activity center at Faculty of Economics and Business.

In general, the implementation of this activity going well, smoothly, and quite in demand by the students. This is indicated by the number of participants who attended as many as 24 delegation from several faculty and polytechnic. It started at 4 pm and ended up at 6 pm.
Although only lasted for 2 hours, E-gath brought so much memories to remember.

                                           Those are the participants and the committee

For the opening of the presentation session we got our Vice President of EECC (English Economis Conversation Club), Nathalia khoisin as the presentator for EECC's work program 2016. 
After she presentated EECC, the next turn was another english club from Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Public Health, Undip Debate Forum (UDF), Diponegoro Mun Society (DMS), Kelompok Studi Bahasa Asing (KSBA) from Faculty of Law, Politeknik English Conversation Club (PECC), Diponegoro Nursing Debate Club (DNDC), and Environtment English Club (EEC) Faculty of Biology.

Presentation from MECC

One of the game called “ Selfie Boom “

       Exsist brooo ……

Steering committee

This event's purpose are to strengthen the realtionships between english club in the universities at Semarang,

Not only english club but other foreign language club and a forum to share each club's program so we can know more about them, not only by their english club's name but also their work focus. With this activity, it is hoped that the participating English study groups can add a new network as well as the experience because one of this activities is to share experiences and exchange ideas between the English study groups who participated in this activity.

Thank you for all the participants and for the committee who made this event happened,

See you in the next English Gathering !!!!

EECC ! We Are Awesome ! :3