EECC's Ranger 2017

Welcome to our official blog #We Are Awesome

English Discussion

This is one of the Research and Development's events.On 30th of September we are holding an English Discussion at Joglo Belly. The topic of this ED is so interesting. We're doing review on short movies 🎬

Basic Training Development

This is one of the Human Resources and Development's events. On 9th of September we held a Basic Training Development 2 at Rumah Albi. Our first speaker's giving us tips and tricks about how to have a high self-confidence.


This is one of the Public Relationship's events. On 8th of October we're holding E-Talks 2 "FUN TEACHING and CHARITY" at Ar-Rodiyah Orphanage. We teach and share our knowledge for the kids in here. We discuss about what they want to be when they're older and descriptive text about their idol. We hope what we learn today will be useful for the kids' future.

Economic Carnival

Our activity in other organization's event

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Happy World Day Human Trafficking

"People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because  things are being loved and people are being used"

Happy World Day Human Trafficking!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Happy World Hepatitis Day

"There is growing need to make people aware of the severity of the disease in the region. People need to be extra careful, as it is one of the regions where infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is common." 
-Dr RS Verma

Friday, July 17, 2015

Happy Ied al-Fitr Shawwal

Happy Eid al-Fitr Shawaal 1st 1436 to all o you guys
May Allah's blessings be always with you everywhere. 
Happy Holiday

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy Bank Indonesia's Day!

The history of Bank Indonesia's institution began from the enactment of the c No 11 of 1953 concerning Principal Act on Bank Indonesia dated 1 July 1953. In carrying out its duties as the central bank, Bank Indonesia was managed by the Monetary Board, Board of Directors and Board od Advisors. The monetary board issued monetary policies, although the government was accountable for it. After it had been amalgamated into a single bank, during the early period of the New Order , the underlying act of Bank Indonesia was amended through Act No 13 of 1968 concerning the Central Bank. From that time, Bank Indonesia played the role as the Central Bank and simultaneously assisted the government in the development programs by implementing the government policies with the help from the Monetary Board. As a result, Bank Indonesia was no longer under the Monetary Board . With the end of the New Order, Bank Indonesia ultimately became independent through Act No 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia enjoys a special position in the state structure, namely an independent state institution and free from government inttervention and or other parties. However , in implemanting sustainable , concistent and transparent monetary policies, Bank Indonesia must take into account the government's policies in general on economy (

Happy Bank Indonesia Day!
Bank Indonesia is to achieve and maintain the monetary stability of Rupiah

Friday, July 3, 2015


Hi fellas! How are you? When u first read the tittle, E-Magz, are u guys know the meaning? Yup, E-Magz is English Magazine. It's like "Mading" for every month. We cooperate also with Edents, one of UPK in FEB UNDIP. I'd like share our lovely E-Magz for 3 months, start from April until June.