Thursday, April 9, 2015

English Discussion #Idioms

Hi guys.

How’s ur day? Going well? I hope we are getting better than before. #tuesdayadvice. Don’t too stuck about ur past, just let it go and focus on our future. Fighting!

So, focus about our future, we have to always learn step by step. RnD held a first English Discussion or we can called it ED. It located in Dome, FEB Undip. For you who love discussing, talk critizingly, come here. The leaders in this discussion, were from Abin and Ivan. They were great . They could lead our discussion well.

The first ED was about idioms. Don’t you know about idioms????
I search on google, it said that idioms exist in every language. An idiom is a common expression understood figuratively, as the literal definition makes no sense. 
For example: After going to the zoo, the mall, and the movies, Cassie was sick of bending over backwards to entertain her nieces. It means that Cassie was trying very hard to entertain her nieces.

After we discussing about idioms, we had a test to check our knowledge about idioms. Don’t be nervous , there was no A, B, C, D or E :p
But there must be winners.


They were Tarina, Levana and Ganis. Yey triple girls, congratulationssss!!!! #Let’s hang out to celebrate this! :D


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