English Festival is coming again this year!!
Check this out!!!!
Economics English Conversation Club Diponegoro University proudly presents:
English Festival 2016
"Empowering the globe through english"
There will be 3 events :1. Toefl Test and workshop
- Toefl Workshop : April, 22nd 2016 at Hall Gedung C, Tembalang
- Toefl Test : April, 29th 2016 at SEU Office Pleburan, Semarang
- D3 & S1 Undip IDR Rp. 90.000
- S2 Undip IDR Rp. 120.000
- Public IDR Rp. 150.000
What facilities you can get?
- Handbook
- Seminar Kit
- Snack
- Certificate
===> Registration here : Bit.ly/toeflefest2016 <===
2. Essay Competition
- Theme : "Student Loan in Indonesia"
- Deadline Essay Submission on Tuesday, May 10 2016
- Top 10 Presentation on Saturday, May 21th 2016
- at PKM 2nd Floor FEB Undip
- IDR 35k
HUGE Prices for the winner!
===> Registration: Bit.ly/essayefest2016 <===
3. Model United Nation Training
- Saturday, May 14th, 2016
- PKM 2nd Floor FEB Undip
- IDR 25k
What facilities you can get?
- Handbook
- Seminar Kit
- Lunch
- Certificate
===> Registration :Bit.ly/munefest2016 <===
Come and join us cause it's the right time to find out your competency!
We also open booth at:
- A building, 2nd floor FEB Undip Tembalang
- Taman FEB Undip, Pleburan
--- Find out more at ---
Contact person :
LINE messenger Hraera 083842544251 (Toefl Workshop & Test)
LINE messenger viasagitha 085786815812 (Essay Competition)
LINE messenger ardhianitakp 087832586940 ( MUN Training)
> Line@ : @fzd7013z
> Blog : eeccfebundip.blogspot.com
Yey, I'm so excited!
ReplyDeleteThe beer selection at this place was great and rotates often. Everyone who works at Chicago event space here makes you feel welcome. They remember your favorite drink and you will be glad to tweet about them.