EECC's Ranger 2017

Welcome to our official blog #We Are Awesome

English Discussion

This is one of the Research and Development's events.On 30th of September we are holding an English Discussion at Joglo Belly. The topic of this ED is so interesting. We're doing review on short movies 🎬

Basic Training Development

This is one of the Human Resources and Development's events. On 9th of September we held a Basic Training Development 2 at Rumah Albi. Our first speaker's giving us tips and tricks about how to have a high self-confidence.


This is one of the Public Relationship's events. On 8th of October we're holding E-Talks 2 "FUN TEACHING and CHARITY" at Ar-Rodiyah Orphanage. We teach and share our knowledge for the kids in here. We discuss about what they want to be when they're older and descriptive text about their idol. We hope what we learn today will be useful for the kids' future.

Economic Carnival

Our activity in other organization's event

Friday, September 30, 2016

Scholarship Show 2016

On September 18th 2016 EECC successfully held Scholarship Show 2016, at LPPU Tembalang. Started at 9 am, this event opened by speeches from Fadhil Rahandika as the project officer of Scholarship Show 2016, Levana Tiopei as President of EECC period 2016, and Mr. Rizal Hari Magnadi, SE, MM. After the opening speeches from those important people, we continued to the main event. We had 3 amazing speakers who shared their knowledge in each session of the event.

The first one was Elizabeth Stella which currently studies in Asia Pacific University by scholarship from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific. She gave us tips how to get scholarship and recounted her experience in Japan (the culture, her activities there, and her part - time job).

The second speaker was from LPDP (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan) Semarang; Agung Kurniawan and Santri Pertiwi. They socialized about scholarship from LPDP (this scholarship is for Magister Degree and Doctoral Degree), the requirements of the scholarship, and etc.

The third speaker was Muscahyo Budi Prakoso from LBPP LIA. He talked about how to write good motivation essay as the requirement to apply scholarship. He taught the participants to write properly and gave tips and tricks to make it good.

There were also 3 winners for instagram challenge, as the prizes they get EF's vouchers worth IDR 400.000

the committe of Scholarship Show 2016